Comment invited regarding Green Point Stadium proposed branding
The DWCA’s position is set out below
We have received a signage application from the City as outlined in the image above, and repeated on the sea-facing side of the stadium. I
Our DWCA subcommittee has taken a view on this application. This is:
- The DWCA objects to this signage on the grounds that:
- it constitutes invasive signage;
- it has unreasonably large scale;
- it will be a significant source of light pollution; and constitutes an eyesore.
- it is incongruent with the architectural presence of the Stadium.
High Level Road is deemed a “heritage view”. This application purports to accept this invasive, massive signage as tolerable and in keeping with the eyelines of the City in the heritage sensitive areas.
The DWCA says NO.
- We are alarmed, as well, that this signage could set a precedent that is out of keeping with the City’s well-respected general sensitivity about outdoor signage.
- We urge the City to consider how other stadia around the world cater for “naming rights” and stadia branding. We do not believe this application is palatable in its current form.
- The DWCA has formal accreditation and credibility, and represents a close-proximity residential and business community. Our community is offended by this unacceptable signage, and we want our position known.
We therefore broadcast our position to you members, and encourage you, if you feel so inclined, to object in your personal capacities using all/some of the objections noted herein.
If you have comment or objections, please submit these, with full reason, in writing, to reach The Environmental Control Officer, Environmental Management, via email to before or on 18 January 2022. Thank you.