Dear DWCA members,
We hereby invite the membership to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the De Waterkant Civic Association (DWCA).
Day: Tuesday
Date: 8th September 2020
Time: 6pm
Place: Zoom Digital Meeting
Registration: Please pre-register here to join the AGM
Pre-Registration Link:
Once registered, you will automatically be sent the Zoom meeting link and password. The meeting will be recorded.
All members audio/video will be muted on entry, and the Q&A tab will allow members to ask questions and/or request unmuting in the Q& A time.
- Welcome and Introduction
- Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM;
- Chairman’s report
- Guest speaker – Dr Stephen Townsend – “What do we mean when we use the word ‘authenticity’ when talking about architectural conservation”
Dr Townsend Studied architecture at UCT and Delft in the Netherlands; holds a Masters degree in conservation/restoration from Rome; a PhD at UCT; worked as an architect in Cape Town and Rome and administered heritage and land-use controls at City Council for nineteen years. Stephen was CEO at HWC for two years, served on HWC Council for three years and chaired its BEL Comm and IA Committees. He passionately worked as a conservationist for the last 15 years, during which time he also established and ran UCT’s Master’s degree course in conservation of the built environment. Stephen has been a runner for forty-two years, including twenty-four Two Oceans and is a wealth of information on the De Waterkant area. - Presentation and adoption of Annual Financial Statements
- Proposal to appoint the auditor for the ensuing year
- To vote: on the dissolution of the Dixon Street Parking Feasibility Study
- Proposal: Adoption of Minor changes to the constitution + presentation of the changes
- Election of the Management Committee
- Close